Mistress Carol’s Irresistible – Deep mind-melting trance recording

(26 customer reviews)



One hour fifteen minutes of pure mind-melting bliss and arousal.

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Your mind will be obliterated after listening to Mistress Carol’s Irresistible – Deep mind-melting trance recording.

deep erotic trance


This long seduction will challenge you to resist.  How long can you do it?

A conversational induction will encourage you to try to resist Mistress Carol’s pull down into hypnosis as her background vocals make it harder and harder for you the longer you listen.

At what point did you fall for her?  When were you filled with such intense hypnotic bliss and arousal?  You may never know for sure.

You repeat her mantras.

As you fall further, you become aroused, entranced, and bound to her.  You love to be Mistress Carol’s toy.  She loves to display her power and control over your weak male mind as you fall further down for her.

A count down into deep blissful sleep and greater arousal makes you her mindless obedient puppet again, sabotaged into deep hypnotic sleep.

But she wants you more mindless, more helpless.  A second count down absolutely obliterates your already weakened mind.  You keep falling and falling deeper into the darkness of your endless surrender.

What happens to you when you give your mind over to a hypnotic Mistress of Mistress Carol’s caliber?  She uses it any way she wants.

Leave plenty of time for recovery after listening to Mistress Carol’s Irresistible – Deep mind-melting trance recording.  Another magnificent mind-bending hypnotic masterpiece.


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This recording features:

  • Conversational induction
  • Subliminal suggestions
  • Whispers
  • Mindlessness
  • Loss of control
  • Sexual arousal
  • Count down deepeners
  • Triggers:  taken, absolutely, sink, sleep, comatose, freefall, wormnole, bottomlessplummet, submit
  • Heavy brainwave entrainment
  • Metronome
  • Finger snaps
  • Post hypnotic instructions
  • Background vocals
  • Background music
  • No wake command
  • Session length is 1:15 (one hour fifteen minutes)