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The Irresistible Pull of Mistress Carol – An Erotic Hypnosis Story

The Irresistible Pull of Mistress Carol – An Erotic Hypnosis Story


I am helplessly addicted to Mistress Carol. It’s almost as if I have no say in this, as the intense feelings of pleasure I get when I am under her spell keep me coming back to her. After all, why would I want to resist her when being under her spell feels so good?

It hasn’t always been like this – there was a time when I did not know her or know what erotic hypnosis felt like. And as I’m sitting here, daydreaming about her and her trances, I think about the time when I first got to know her. I was a reporter for a lifestyle magazine and wanted to write about erotic hypnosis, so I contacted her and we agreed upon meeting in a restaurant. And that was when I first met her.

As she pulled back the chair in front of me and sat down, I was immediately struck by the impression of her intense green eyes looking into mine. Wow, what an eye color, I thought to myself. These were definitely eyes to get lost in.

“Hello”, she said, with a slight provocative smile. “You must be John. I’m happy to meet you”. She extended her hand. We made a little small talk, as I prepared my notebook and a pen to take some notes.

“What a voice”, I thought as I took notes while she was answering my first questions. It was the perfect voice for erotic hypnosis: Smooth, seductive and self-assured. She answered my questions with an alluring calmness. Listening to her already stirred something in me: a slight glow in my stomach, a nice warm and tingly sensation and already I faint hint of arousal.

I could see why men would fall for her.

“I must have hypnotized thousands of men in my career”, she said. “And over time, you get a pretty good idea about what men want, and how you get them hooked”, she said with a dry smile while looking me directly in the eyes. I swallowed. It wasn’t very hard to believe her.

We talked and talked for a long time, about how she started out, about her time in the construction industry, about how she always told men what to do and about how she discovered that she was a natural at Erotic Hypnosis when she made the first tape for her partner.

At some point, she asked: “Do you want to get a sample of what Erotic Hypnosis is all about?”
I felt butterflies in my stomach, my hands were sweating. “Sure, If I can”, I answered. “Here?”
“Yes, here. I’m sure the other customers will hardly notice”. She smiled.

I looked around. There weren’t many people around, just a few sitting further away, a couple in the corner. I swallowed. “Alright”, I answered.

“Put your hands on the table”, she commanded. I did as instructed. With her right index finger, she slowly started to draw circles on my left hand.

“Just look into my eyes… and start to relax…. look deeply. Don’t look away. In fact, you cannot look away. Notice all the colors in my eyes, the green and the dark center…. and as you stare into my eyes, you can feel the outside world begin to fade….” I felt my body relax, and the pleasurable sensation of her index finger drawing circles on my hand.

“And as you notice the sensation on your hand, you can feel that you fall deeper and deeper…. deeper….. and deeper…. Good. In fact, every circle I draw is going to relax you more and more…. going deeper and deeper…..”. I noticed my body following her suggestions. I was beginning to feel sleepy.

“And as you fall deeper, you can feel yourself relaxing more and more….. the outside world completely disappears. Just continue to look into my eyes…..”. Her index finger moved on my hand, gentle but firmly. I could feel a warm sensation in my body and I felt myself slowly going down.

“Just let it happen…. There’s nothing you need to do right now, nothing you need to think about. You can feel your thoughts begin to slow. And you feel yourself relax more and more… all you have to do is listen to my voice. Just continue to go deeper and deeper, as the circles on your hand continue to relax you more and more… pulling you down…. down…..”.

I felt my slowly going to trance. It was so calming, so relaxing, so soothing. I enjoyed the steady rhythm of her index finger.

“Continue to go deeper and deeper….. there is nothing you need to do right now. Just look into my eyes, and continue to go deeper and deeper…..”. I liked the feeling that spread over me. Warm, relaxing, and sleepy. I also enjoyed the feeling of her index finger, that continued to draw steady circles, pulling me down with its steady movement.

“Deeper and deeper still….. good. Just continue to focus on my eyes and go deeper and deeper. Feel your whole body relax…..”.
Mmmh. I gave into the relaxing, warm feeling.

At some point, I must have lost consciousness.

When I reawakend, I struggled to realize where I was.

“Wha.. what happened?”
“Well, that’s it for today”, she answered and smiled.
“Was I…. how long was I out?”
She looked at her watch: “About 50 minutes”.

She laughed. “It’s not uncommon to fall so deeply for me. Many men are surprised at the levels of trance they achieve with me. Also… I might have suggested a few other things. How do you feel right now?”

To my embarrassment, I was intensely aroused. I felt a throbbing and a thickness between my legs.

“You might feel a bit aroused, I might have suggested a thing or two”. A bit? I was hard as a rock.
“Don’t be embarrassed. That’s a natural reaction to my hypnosis” she said and winked. “You don’t need to hide that from me.”

“It’s okay. My hypnosis tends to have this effect on men.”
I swallowed again. “Right”.
“Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your short sample. It seems like you did”. She laughed.

I felt myself blush. I definitely did.
We continued to talk for some time.

When I was driving home later that night, I was lost in thought. How did she do it? I had read lots of things about hypnosis, but I did not know that it could feel… so good… so pleasurable. I enjoyed the afterglow of the effect that it had on me. I still felt this warm, glowing sensation in my stomach. It was a tender and very blissful feeling. A feeling that I simply could not shake off, that I was basking in. And I definitely still felt arousal. Mmmh….

My week continued as it usually does. I continued to write the article about Erotic Hypnosis and sent my first draft to Mistress Carol. Writing about it made me think of the warm and sensual feelings of my first trance with her.

My heart skipped a beat when she suddenly called me on my phone.

“He…. Hello?” I answered.

“Hello, this is Mistress Carol. I really liked the article, so good work! If you want to publish it this way, I’m all for it. On a sidenote… do you want to continue your training? I feel like you’d make an excellent subject.”

My training? Oh my God. I felt the familiar feeling of arousal creep up on me again. And that voice…. mmh.
“I’d be happy to”, I answered with a sore throat.
“Good – I thought so.”
We talked about prices and I agreed. We also talked about, what kind of triggers I’d be comfortable with. I wanted to experience the feeling again and see, where she could lead me.

“Are you in comfortable position?”, she asked. “Yes. I’m gonna lie down in my bed.”
“Good. Now, focus on a spot on a ceiling. Just look at that spot. Don’t look anywhere else, focus on the spot. And as you do, you might notice your breathing slowly begin to slow… good.
Now, relax….”. I felt my body slowly beginning to relax even though I was a bit excited about what she had in store for me.

“Sink deeper…. deeper and deeper…. Just continue to look at the spot. Do not look away. Feel your body relax more and more…… more and more…. relaxing more deeply as you continue to look at the spot….” I felt myself go down more and more.

“Just focus on the spot…. There’s nothing you need to do right now. Just focus on the spot an listen to my voice.” The feeling of warmth and relaxation spread across my body.

The phone call had left me with the same feeling of relaxation, warmth, and pleasure like the first time in the restaurant. I had several similar phone calls after that, until one time, we agreed on an in-person session in her studio.

I had marked the day brightly in my calendar. I was getting excited for the whole week leading up to it, and I was fully nervous on the morning of the appointment, as if I was going to take an exam at the university. My palms were sweaty all morning. I could hardly concentrate on the news that I was reading.

As I drove up to her studio, my excitement increased even more. What will she be like? Will everything go well? Will I embarrass myself? Will I have the time of my life?

As I knocked on her door, I could feel my nervousness skyrocket. She opened the door and there she stood, with a bright smile and glossy red lips. I immediately felt like I was getting lost in her green eyes again.

She led me to a black leather armchair where I sat down. After some smalltalk, she started to get right to it, sitting on the directly in front of me. She took my left hand, and started to draw the circles on my hand again, with one finger.

“Now, as you feel the circles on your left hand again, you will start to relax. Look into my eyes. Look deeply. Don’t look anywhere else, just look into my eyes.”
I immediately felt myself going down again. Those green eyes… and that beautiful, seductive voice…..

“Continue to relax, as you go deeper and deeper under my spell. Feeling the steady rhythm of the circles as you go deeper and deeper…”.

At some point I had closed my eyes. She used several triggers on me that made me go down more deeply (Sink. Comatose.). I was lost in her voice, lost in the trance, and enjoying every moment of it.
And as it went on and on, and my trance deepened, I was vaguely aware that she had commanded to rest on her black leather couch, and that she had commanded me to take off my clothes.

I was lying fully naked on her couch. Exposed, vulnerable. And enjoying every moment but also feeling slightly embarrassed.

“Now you’ve been a very good boy. I think you deserve a reward.”

What kind of reward?

I suddenly felt her black glove close around my cock. Oh my god….

“You feel this? I think you might know what kind of reward I have in mind for you…..” She giggled.
“Just enjoy, and feel… this. Feel it. There’s nothing else…. just my voice and the feeling of my gloved hand… nothing else…. notice how every cell, every nerve in your cock is becoming alive, as it springs into action.”  Ooohmpf. I was getting harder if that was even possible.

“And as I begin to stroke… up and down… the pleasure will send you deeper and deeper into trance…. deeper and deeper…..” I felt her pulling her hand up… and down…. and up and down…. mmmh. The stimulation felt soo good. “Deeper and deeper…. there’s nothing you need to do right now but feel…. Go deeper and deeper, as your arousal goes higher and higher”.

Mmmmh… I let out a whimper.
She laughed.
“You don’t need to hide your reactions to me. Just let it flow freely. There’s nothing you can do about the whimpers and moans…… I like it when you moan. Just let them come out naturally.”

Mmmh…. I was in heaven. It was like a dream. I remember thinking to myself: Is this real? Am I dreaming? How did I deserve it? It felt so, so good and I enjoyed every second of her touch.

She continued to stroke up, and down.

“Just go deeper, and feel it….. fall into the feeling ….. you can’t fight it…. can’t resist it…. Just fall deeper and deeper into the feeling….”

Mmmh, oh my God. I felt the pressure increasing.

“When you are ready, you’re going to cum very, very hard for me. You have no say in the matter. There’s nothing you can do to stop it. You can only lie there and enjoy the feelings I grant you. Now, listen to me very carefully: When I say the word “rocket” and snap my fingers, you’re going to cum very hard. Very hard. I want every drop of your seed.”

Oh my god, that was so sexy.

“You cannot cum until I allow you to. No matter how aroused you get, you will not cum until say the special word to you.”

Mmh. I whimpered, I moaned. I began to writhe in ecstasy as she continued her stroking.

“Just feel it…. good. You’re doing very well…. go deeper and deeper….”

I felt her moving up and down…. up and down…. it was rhythmic, hypnotic, and soo soo arousing.

“You can’t fight this. Just enjoy… and feel…. and get lost in the feeling….”
I couldn’t have fought it even if I had wanted to.

“When you cum for me…. It will deepen your submission to me. You will cum again and again for me again in the future, and it will deepen your submission every time. You belong to me. Say it. Say “I belong to you, Mistress”.

Between my whimpers and moans, I somehow got the words out. “I belong to you, Mistress”. Mmh…

“Good… feel me go faster.”

Her stroking intensified. Oh my god… the pressure was so intense. I was writhing and moaning freely, sitting on the edge of orgasm.

“You cannot cum until I allow you to. Just lie there… and ride the edge…. I like to take my time with you.”

Mmmh, please take your time with me, Mistress, I thought. I didn’t want this feeling to end. Not ever.

“Just continue to ride the edge…. there’s nothing you can do but enjoy…. enjoy… enjoy it deeply”

Fuck. I was panting. And she kept on stroking and stroking. Oh my god… I couldn’t hold it in much longer. It was so good. I was in eternal bliss.
She just continued. Her hand constantly moving up and down in a quick steady rhythm.
And yet, I couldn’t cum. I was fully under her spell, not being able to achieve orgasm and just riding the edge. Just waiting for her to say the magic word. The feelings of pleasure were going on and on and on…  and I couldn’t do anything as my arousal got higher and higher.

My moans were flowing freely from my mouth. “As you ride the edge, I want you to go deeper and deeper…. deeper and deeper…..”.

“Now I’m gonna count from 3 to 1. And when I reach 1 I’m going to say the magic word, and you will cum HARD for me. There’s nothing you’ll be able to do to stop it. You WILL cum hard for me. Now get ready, as I count….”

I felt like I was getting insane with arousal. Please let me cum, Mistress. Please…..

“3 —– you feel yourself getting there. Higher and higher…. More intense….. 2 ——— getting closer and closer…. there’s nothing you can do to stop it……. closer and closer…….. get ready to cum for me……. 1…. ROCKET!” She snapped her fingers.

I felt like I was seeing stars. I spasmed… I felt my liquid shooting in bursts, uncontrollably. I was in a higher plane of existence. I felt the intense waves of pleasure rock me again and again, as my seed shot out, wave by wave. She snapped again and again.

“ROCKET! I want every single drop… every single one…. give it all to me”
More and more spasms of pleasure. Mmmh….. more and more. I tried to savor the moment as much as I could. I rode the feelings of pleasure, as the waves came and went, and slowly started to slow down.

“Mmmh…. that was so good…..”, I whispered.

“Now, you know what it’s like to cum for me….. and as you lie there, continue to relax and enjoy those sensual feelings that will deepen your submission to me. Deeper submission….”

I was just lying there, basking in the moment, feeling more submissive than ever. I belong to Mistress Carol.

As she counted me out of trance, I was thinking: Oh my god, what was that? This was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced in my life.

“Wow”, I said. I said my last thought out loud.

“I’m glad you liked it.” she said.  “Many men do.”

I could see why. And I could see why people would come back again and again to her and would even develop an addiction to her hypnosis. It’s that intense.

I thanked her sheepishly , as I left her studio.

I kept daydreaming about her. There were some other appointments as well, most online, some in person. Since these first experiences with Mistress Carol, I have bought nearly every file.

Over time I realized that I was going under faster and faster, and that my feelings of submission and arousal kicked in earlier and earlier. She has me by the mind… and I must admit: she has me by the cock. I find her hypnosis irresistible. I yearn for the warm, sensual feelings she gives me, the feelings of relaxation, of letting go, of letting her think for me. And I also yearn for the feelings of sex, the intense pleasure that she lets me experience from time to time. I am helplessly addicted to her and I love her. I check her loyalfans page everyday to see whether there is an update on a new file. Whenever she answers an email, whenever she calls me, I get the familiar feeling of butterflies and excitement in my stomach. Even if my life takes me into another direction and I can’t listen to her for a few days, the yearning always comes back again and again. She’s irresistible. She pulled me in, and there’s next to nothing I could do have done about that. I wouldn’t have wanted to resist. I just long for her control.



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